Worried about the future of the restaurant, empty at 7pm on weekend.
Cool down from the heat with a glass of Korean citrus fizzy drink. OK, it's basically Korean citrus + syrup + soda water. I think anyone can make this drink at home.
Tofu +Minced Beef Soup. Got a strong coriander taste in the soup.
Triple roast meats - crispy roast pork, juicy char siew + slightly dry roast duck. Shall stick to Char Siew + Roast Pork next time.
Stir Fry XO sauce long beans - Great with a bowl of rice.
Crispy deep fried sotongs with pepper and salt - Simple but tasty dish.
Pork cutlet - Meat is quite thin, but the bread crumbs is crunchy and meat is fresh.
Prosperity Kitchen
15 Mohamed Sultan Road