What I dislike about this stall, aside from the perennially long queue (which was fortunately relatively short when I joined in), is the . Fortunately, fish soup doesn't take too long to prepare, especially with the quick-handed chefs helming the stove. With 7 people ahead of me in the queue, and only 15 minutes to spare, I asked the auntie in charge of taking orders for an estimation of the waiting time. Instead of directly replying my query, she brashly told me to look at the rate at which the queue was moving. Even if she did not wish to provide me with an estimation, there was no need for her condescending attitude and rudeness.
Perhaps she might have neglected treasuring her customers, since she's got many to serve. Was this a case of arrogance rearing its ugly head?
Han Kee Fish Soup
#02-129 Amoy Street Food Centre