When I was younger, my father regularly ordered bak chor mee from the other branch of this stall at Bedok South for my family. Sick of having the dish so often, I clearly recall complaining about having to eat "chou chou mee", which can be literally translatead into stinky noodles. Lol!
Can't say much about the dish 'cos mee pok isn't my thing. but my brother seemed to enjoy it a lot. The meatballs were decent. The portion did seem rather small though.
Tian Nan Xing Rou Cuo Mian
Stall 10
Open from 6.30am to 1pm, 6.30pm to 1am
Seng Kee Black Herbal Chicken Soupis arguably the most famous stall in the market, having attracted a steady stream of customers seeking a mee sua fix for several decades.
Several versions of black chicken soup are sold here. The cheapest option ($8)- one boiled with six different ingredients, including lotus seeds and chestnuts- is served on default.
Seng Kee Black Herbal Chicken Soup
Stall 31/32
Stall 31/32