Things to eat in Montreal: Poutine at Resto La Banquise

One does not visit Montreal without trying poutine, a messy dish of patates frites, hot gravy and cheese curds. While poutine is traditionally sold from food trucks and local greasy spoons, it has become such an iconic staple of Quebecois culture that restaurant chefs have come up with haute variants complete with foie gras and lobster!

At the popular 24/7 poutine joint La Banquise, you can complete your order with a smorgasbord of toppings, ranging from onions to bacon and smoked meat. Yup, more calories to go with the already atherogenic pile of fries.
 Fluffy twice-fried chips doused with tasty gravy, squeaky cheese curds, chicken and...peas? As strange as the combination may sound, the peas were comfortingly delicious with the sauce. In fact, the Galvaude reminded me of hot chicken sandwiches!

While I enjoyed my meal at La Banquise,  I'm not too sure if it lives up to its hype as the best poutine in Montreal. For one, the ratio of cheese curds and gravy to fries was on the skimpy side, and the cheese curds could have been chunkier. Nevertheless, it does serve up reliable poutine that will never get boring, and around the clock too. Stick with a small serving unless you have a huge appetite!

Resto La Banquise
994 Rue Rachel Est
Montréal, QC H2J 2J3
Tel: (514) 525  2415

Opening hours: 24/7!

Resto la Banquise on Urbanspoon