These round babies caught my attention in the supermarket when they first appeared on the shelves. Individually wrapped and adorably named Day-Plus Bread, with the wrapper proudly exclaiming "No Ordinary Bread!", I couldn't resist trying out the different flavors. The only flavors I've yet to sample are the Strawberry and Cheese ones.

Why is Day-Plus Bread no ordinary bread? Is it because of its extra soft, spongy and fluffy texture, or because of...

...its extra-long shelf life of close to a month? While an alcohol pad is included in each pack for preservation purposes, I wonder if a copious amount of chemical additives have been added to the ingredients. Hmm...better have them fresh, still, I can't imagine eating month-old bread.
Decorated elegantly with chocolate-brown swirls, I was disappointed to find that the cocoa flavor in the Chocolate bun was barely discernable. Similarly, aside from its appearance, which was tinged a beautiful orange, the Pumpkin version certainly didn't remind me of my favourite squash.
Alas, blueberry filling was also completely absent from the Blueberry bun. What a letdown, since I'm a sucker for blueberry jam.
The Red Bean buns are the only ones that actually contain a filling. They come with either a smooth or ungrounded filling. Oddly, both versions had the same consistency and texture. These were not too bad, the red bean paste actually bearing some resemblance to adzuki beans instead of the black, sweet paste that you find in those affordable six-in-a-pack buns (By no means do I bear any prejudice against them- in fact, I actually enjoy them, especially for their fluffiness). But I still prefer freshly baked anpan from Sun Moulin or Mirabelle Patisserie.
I simply love the saccharine fragrance of maple syrup, but I've only had it with pancakes. So when I saw these Maple Buns, I knew I had to try them out. They were indeed sweet-smelling, but its fragrance had an artificial tang that I disliked.

The Hokkaido Cream bun is one of my favourite flavors. You won't be able to find cream in the centre of this bun though- it's probably enveloped in the dough, giving the bun its extra softness.

The Melon version lists Yubari Melon as one of its ingredients. At $86 per melon, I hold some doubts about the validity of this claim. Nevertheless, I loved this sweet-smelling bun for its aroma reminiscent of cantaloupes! Inhale deeply while savouring this Melon bun and revel in the fragrance that wafts to your olfactory glands. This flavor has definitely won me over, I'll be buying it again!