The Thin Line of Twelve

I have been posting quite a bit about family law lately, but I also handle a number of criminal cases. It's ironic since my sister and most of her immediate family as well as my brother are in law enforcement or corrections. My wife even did a stint as a probation office case worker. Needless to say, but I will say it anyway, family reunions are . . . interesting (and not just for my witty repartee). Criminal defense attorneys and the jury system itself are often vilified. That's why I was pleased to see that September's Men's Health magazine named "A courtroom jury trial from the jury box" as one of its "15 Must-See Sights."

The article's discussion of jury service succinctly reminds us that our civic duty is a privilege in a country guided by the rule of law and a bulwark against oppression and injustice. Check it out and while your at it, do yourself a favor and add "Twelve Angry Men" to your Netflix cue (I'm talking about the moving Henry Fonda version not the made-for-tv remake involving Tony Danza. If you enjoy the acting talents of Mr. Danza, that is fine . . . just stop reading my blog.)