Hot Cross Buns & some recent eats.

Classic Hot Cross Bun & Chocolate Hot Cross Bun from Cedele

Cedele's Classic Hot Cross Buns are available all year round, but when National Hot Cross Bun Day is around the corner, several other flavors . I liked the Classic Hot Cross Bun for its firm bite and for the dried fruits embedded in it. That being said, chocolate addicts might prefer the chocolate version, which is studded with dark chocolate chips and walnut bits!

A recent attempt at NUS University Cultural Centre's Dome cafe's beef pie left me filled but not quite satisfied. Having been reheated in a microwave (although there was a toaster around!), the puff pastry crust of this beef pie was just plain soggy. Its bolognese filling was equally mediocre.

And here're some ice cream photos to round of this short post:
Refreshingly icy strawberry soft serve from Isetan Spring Kyushu fair

Sweet potato soft serve from Isetan Okinawa Fair (ending 24 April)