Single Parents Get New Tools from Kentucky

Kentucky recently launched a new website dedicated to assisting single parents with the collection and tracking of their child support payments.  The new site aims to assist both those receiving and those paying child support.

Kentucky is already very progressive about posting information to assist in child support collection online.  This is in keeping with the national trend of putting collection help resources online.  No doubt this is in response to the recurring theme of difficulty collecting support, especially in this economy.  According to at least one report from 2003, even the best state for collection was only at 72%.  This is not intended as a knock on the state enforcement agencies who are often simply underfunded and overworked.  In my home county of McCracken County, Kentucky, the local enforcement office handles over 10,000 cases annually.  Sometimes, single parents cannot wait that long for assistance and that is when they need to turn to the services of a trained private attorney who focuses on family law issues.